Οne of the new elements in John Barry`s music is his ability to describe with sounds surroundings and actions.Having studied Wagner,he makes use of the recitativos every time he wants to remind and underline a situation or a person.
The music score for the Thunderball,together with the Goldfinger is his best creation , by far.
The score begins with the main title THUNDERBALL sung in a unique way by TOM JONES!!!!!And then we have the underwater music which is so realistic ,you can put your mind easily under the majestic reefs of the Bahamas!!!Power and melody interchange smart from the expert hands of the world`s best music score composer.Jazz is abuntand in the score,but there are traces of symphonic elements played carefully by a well chosen orchestra.The initial main title MR.KISS KISS BANG BANG which was abandoned is played artistically as the last closing musical theme of the movie!!
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