Wednesday, March 11, 2009


No musical magazino would be more proud to present a few sides of Vangelis. He is someone with great musical knowledge ,a deep researcher of the most peculiar styles and most of all a big Greek. Maybe this album`s title is the best description someone could use for three subjects :VANGELIS-MUSIC-GREECE. All the details of his career are known to Greeks.He was born in Volos and showed a big affection for the organ.He studied on his own and participated to early pop groups in Athens.Iwas lucky enough to see him at his very beggining at a live concert ,playing the organ. His musical abilities were too big for the Greek atmoshere of those times and soon he, Demis Rousos and Loukas Sideras form the group APHRODITY`S CHILD and head for London England.They never made it to reach to England.They stopped at France were they tried to record something new.The song they chose was a piece of MEDIEVAL music by Pachelbel.Vangelis made the orchestrations and there came RAIN AND TEARS.It went very well to the charts and soon other titles followed as END OF THE WORLD,IT`S FIVE O `CLOCK e.t.c The group had limited life span as the two main stars wanted to perform on their own.Demis Rousos made an impressive solo career and Vangelis started a long journey trying to tame the sounds.In this journey he met a friend an English man called JAN ANDERSON. He was a member of the famous British group YES.This friendship gave us the FRIENDS OF MR.CAIRO,STATE OF INDEPENDENCE. THE HIGH NOON IS NEAR.

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