Saturday, January 31, 2009


It came suddenly and unexpected.Hector visited the Opera to attend the Salieri Opera <THE DANAIDS >.This was the night which changed his life forever.Wondering about near the banks of Seine,he decided that the corpses he saw everyday at the autopsy room were discusting him and the future of his life was music.Based on the small amount of money he had he started inquiries about a piano. 120 Francs was the price.It was too much for him. Meanwhile he takes piano and cello lessons and he accepts the title of the failed piano manipulator gladly as he describes in his memoirs. One of the master musicians of our time Berlioz never possesed a degree from any institute for his musical studies. The Revolution years pass and Hector meets some of the intelectuals of his time. Sataubriand was one whom he asked for economic assistance when he struggled in order to perform his Missa Solemnis, another one of Berioz works of enormous singing forces and orchestral performers. In a replying letter Sataubriand regrets to let him know that he does not have the money,and if he did he would gladly give it to him. The medical studies are well gone by now.THE NEWS FROM GREECE ARE ARRIVING AND ARE CREATING AN ATMOSPHERE OF OPTIMISM.BERLIOZ BEGINS SCETCHES ON A NEW CANTATA CALLED :LA REVOLUTION GREQUE. His father interrupts the economic aid and Hector struggles in order to survive in Paris. He eventually joins the conservatoire and he tries to receive an award for his composition studies. He did not care that much over the award, as he did for the prize which was a 4 year pension accompanied by a sum of a few thousand francs. He eventually wins the composition award and he promises to write a new cantata every year , for 5 years.

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